On August 21, 1957, Robert (Bob) and Rose Pallman opened a store in downtown Indianapolis. They had no money, but a lot of spirit, and they poured their heart and soul into this small family-owned business. More than 50 years–and a few tweaks later–we are still going strong.
In the beginning, we sold everything from jewelry to small appliances to luggage to fishing poles. Downtown Indianapolis was devastated in those days – definitely not a Super Bowl city that attracted visitors and customers. In 1968 things took an interesting turn, Bob bought a little section of another business’s catalog to see if he could sell cameras. The store had one employee who was taking a photography class in high school and he said “I think I can sell those things.” It was a Minolta camera, and they started selling!
Over the past 39 years, Bob and Rose’s son Bruce Pallman (the now owner of Roberts) made knowledge about photography equipment and making our customers feel like family our top priorities. Pretty soon, we were getting calls from photographers around the world. This little store in Indianapolis was making a name for itself. Today, Roberts Camera has become a premiere source for photo, video and electronics equipment. We work with everyone from the top pros in the business to the very beginner who just wants to learn more about taking great pictures.
We have a group of professionals on staff that is extremely knowledgeable and passionate about this industry and our customers. Our top priority is making sure you are buying the right equipment for you, that you understand what you are buying and that you know how to use it. You can read our full history at http://robertscamera.com/history.
The Roberts Camera Scholarship fund is new this year because we continue to believe in the power of photojournalism and the people that pursue it. We are proud to be a part of facilitating this great craft.
Visit us at http://robertscamera.com for all of your photography needs!
To register for Student & Educational Discounts, please visit http://robertscamera.com/pro-gov-edu