2017 NPPF Scholarship Acceptance Form by Brown Jim | Mar 23, 2017 | News Congratulations on receiving a NPPF Scholarship! The National Press Photographers Foundation scholarship that you have won is intended to be used for your educational expenses toward a degree and a career in photojournalism. We can send the scholarship check directly to the financial aid office of your college or university, where it is applied to your tuition and other educational expenses or to you directly. You must be actively working toward your degree and have not graduated to accept this scholarship. Your check will be sent as soon as possible after completion of this form. You may request that the check be sent directly to you. If the check is sent to you, it still must be applied to expenses directly related to your education or the IRS may regard it as income. If you withdraw from your academic program, or have graduated, the scholarship is forfeited. First Name * Last Name * Email * Mobile Phone We must have at least one phone number. Other Phone Address Line 1 * Address Line 2 City * State * Zip * Student ID * This is NOT social security number. We need this number for our records and if you choose to have the check sent to your university's financial aid officer to ensure payment is credited to your account. School * Scholarship(s) Awarded * Bob Baxter Reid Blackburn Rich Clarkson Bob East Kit King Jimi Lott NPPF Still & Multimedia NPPF TV Roberts Camera Where to send the check? * I wish to have my check sent to my school's financial aid officer.I wish to have my check sent to me. Financial Aid Office Information Name of financial aid officer (FAO) * FAO College or University * FAO Address * FAO Address 2 FAO City, State Zip * My Address * My personal address above is where I want my check sent.Please send my check to a new address. Address * Address 2 City, State Zip * Typing your name in the Signature field below constitutes a legal signature and your acceptance of the conditions above. Signature * Feedback on Application Process How clear were the instructions about preparing your portfolio? * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Not Clear------10 very Clear How easy was the web-based Portfolio Entry software to use? * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Not Easy ------- 10 Very Easy What improvements should we make to the application process and software? Δ Search for: Recent Posts 2017 NPPF Scholarship Acceptance Form Michael Owens 2015 NPPF Scholarship Winners 2014 NPPF Scholarship Winners 2013 NPPF Scholarship Winners Archives March 2017 June 2016 February 2016 May 2014 September 2013 July 2012 Categories News Useful Links Adv. Storytelling Workshop IRE NPPA Other Scholarships SPJ