The Alan Hagman Photojournalism Grant

Applications Deadline Extend to November 10, 2023, 11:59 EDT.


The $5,000 Alan Hagman grant is offered annually to facilitate projects ranging from human rights to environmental issues.  A creative approach to important stories that might otherwise go untold is highly valued.

The grant is open to photojournalists who are U.S. residents.

To enter, you will need:

A project summary (100 words or less)
A Statement of Purpose (750 words maximum).
A working headline for your proposal, boil it down to the basics.
A proposed timeline for the project, including how you expect to use the grant.
Résumé: A concise résumé highlighting the depth of your experience, the quality of your work and your commitment to completing a project
of consequence.
Three References: Names, email addresses, phone numbers and a brief statement describing your relationship with the references.
Portfolio: Single pictures or picture stories or videos that illustrate your ability. Please click to read the image preparation requirements
Links to your website, to published projects or to a listing of books or shows produced may be included.

Please read Terms and Conditions and proceed to the entry instructions

The Hagman Grant is named for the late Los Angeles Times photo editor who served as a mentor and championed the work of photojournalists throughout his career.
The Alan Hagman Grant is supported by donations from Alan’s family, friends and the photojournalism community.

Alan Hagman at his desk at the Los Angeles Times .