A Life of Sensory Experiences In the darkness of her sibling's bedroom, Mia Tellez, 6, looks up from the game she is playing on her mother's phone, Sunday, July 28, 2019 at her family's home in China Grove, TX. Mia is one of three in the family with a hypo-sensitivity form of Autism. The light of the phone could satisfy her need for sensory experiences. Larry Tellez hauls bags and a stroller with Rhetoric Tellez, 1, and Vision Tellez, 3, out the door as the family leaves Project PLAAY, Monday, August, 5, 2019, on campus at The University of Texas in San Antonio, TX. The only income provider for the family, Larry, spends every Monday helping Giselle Silva, the mother of the children, juggle the kids to the three therapy sessions throughout the day in and near the surrounding towns of San Antonio. Giselle listens as Melissa Svoboda of Pediatric Neurology at the Voelcker Clinical Research Center, talks about Vision's diagnosis, Wednesday, August 7, 2019 in San Antonio, TX. Giselle was surprised to hear that Vision was diagnosed with a developmental delay as well as Autism. Lewis "Mikey" Tellez, 5, bounces on the bed in the room where the children sleep, Sunday, July 28, 2019 at their home in China Grove, TX. Mikey is also diagnosed with Autism. Giselle talks to Luna, 3, as she lays down for a nap as Mikey watching nearby, Sunday, July 28, 2019 at their home in China Grove, TX. Luna was running a fever. The two eldest children, Mia and Mikey were vaccinated as infants. After seeing early signs of Autism in two siblings, when the other three children were born, Giselle decided not to have them vaccinated. When any of the kids feel ill Gisele gives them probiotics and water instead of going to the doctor. Mia feels the water run down her arm as the kids wait in the shower for Giselle to wash them, Sunday, July 28, 2019 at their home in China Grove, TX. Giselle holds Mia in her lap and talks to Luna to keep her from having a fit while waiting for a family member to come give them a jump outside doctor's office, Wednesday, August 7, 2019, in San Antonio, TX. Larry and the kids were waiting in the van while Giselle heard Vision's diagnosis when the battery died. The van is the only vehicle the family owns. Sunlight and wind beat on Mikey's face through an open window as the van rolls down the interstate, Sunday, July 28, 2019, in San Antonio, TX.