Singles A lazy August afternoon in Cedar, Minnesota. 4-year-old Isabella enjoys a swim in the pool with her cousins, aunts and uncles who are visiting from New Jersey. 19-year-old Boston University student Honoka Watanabe scrolls through her phone before she goes to sleep. Two strangers wait for the Orange line in a Boston T station. Victoria Bach, a forward for Boston University, anxiously awaits a pass from her teammate, while Ainsley MacMillan, a defender for Northeastern, prepares to intervene. This was the first round of the 2016 Women’s Beanpot tournament, a Boston tradition that pits four rival hockey teams against each other–Boston University, Boston College, Northeastern University, and Harvard University. Northeastern won the February 2nd game and went on to play Boston College in the championship game on February 9th. BC won the Beanpot title with a 7-0 shutout. Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker delivers his State of the Commonwealth address at the State House on Janurary 21st, 2016. He touched on a variety of topics including the opioid crisis, charter school access, and the MBTA train failure that resulted from last year’s record breaking snowfall. The House Chamber erupted in applause when he noted that, “As the administration ends its first year in office, some have lamented how boring we are. I’ll admit, that makes me smile.”