The End of Barcelona Bullfighting Patrons of the Plaza de Toros Monumental de Barcelona, Barcelona’s downtown arena for bullfighting, congregate in an outdoor patio area before one of the last bullfights to be held in the historic arena. Protesters for and against bullfighting as a sport and Spanish heritage tradition gather outside of the Plaza de Toros Monumental in downtown Barcelona to voice their opinions. Many times, the opinions become heated and confrontational. Protestors against bullfighting as a Spanish tradition protest across the street from the arena, declaring the pastime as animal cruelty. The removal of the sport in Barcelona was a direct result of the public outcry. Visitors outside of the Plaza de Toros Monumental in downtown Barcelona peer through the gates to get a glimpse of the fighting. Bullfighter Julian Lope ‘El Juli’ of Spain performs during the second bullfight of the 2011 season at the Monumental bullring on July 10, 2011 in Barcelona. Mataderos sit in a box off of the arena awaiting their opportunity to enter the bullfighting ring while spectators watch an angry bull approach the box. Security guards watch from the sidelines during one of the last bullfights in downtown Barcelona. Spectators wave white hankerchiefs as they encourage the win of the bullfighter and the death of the bull. The butcher at the Monumental’s matadero waits outside of the butchers area for the next bull to be delivered. After the bull is killed, it is paraded through the around the ring and then brought to the back where it is delivered to the onsite butchers.