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Trey Herbert


Mobile Phone:


Office Phone:


Job Description:


Full-time nightside photojournalist for WPTV Newschannel 5 in West Palm Beach, Florida. I work with reporters to tell stories for our nightside newscast. I also shoot packages on my own on occasion.

Number of Years Experience as a Video Journalist:




1100 Banyan BLVD
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
NPPA Member:


Person Statement of Goals and Financial Need:


My goal for attending the workshop is to become a better storyteller. I paid my own way to the Video Workshop in March 2018 and learned so much that I’ve been able to pass along to my co-workers. I would use my financial reward to improve upon my storytelling and help motivate my fellow photojournalists at WPTV to become better storytellers. I am committed to telling the best stories every night and informing our viewers with accurate journalism.

Video Story 1:

Video Story 2:

Video Story 3: